Our Penguin

Great news!! Starbucks just informed us that he has 2 new chicks.  Both parents are keeping busy staying on the nest to protect the chicks from predators.  Foxes are a problem for the chicks, but not for Starbucks.  He said he would just "Bite those foxes on the nose?  He's going to send us a new picture when the chicks are old enough to walk around.

The Penguin egg race was a success, but . it was so hard trying to keep that penguin egg on our feet!  
2nd letter from Starbucks:  He says that the penguins have enjoyed their winter vacation in Brazil. The penguins have been spending their time floating on the waves, resting, and fishing.   Starbucks promises to write back next month when they finally arrive back home and begin egg laying. 
Trying to be a daddy penguin and carry the egg on our feet was not as easy as we thought!!!
Great penguin exhibit at the St. Louis Zoo.  King, Adelie, Rockhopper, and Puffins too!!


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